Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The advertising world is pretty fun.  I have done everything from TV to large scale web sites to brochures and direct mail.  Everyone and every business wants their materials to be seen by the customers.  How do you do this?  It's not easy and it is generally not very comfortable for the client.  One of my mentors, Dayne Hanna, told a client something that I will never forget.  He said, "If the creative did not make him feel a little uncomfortable then it probably won't work."  I am probably not quoting verbatum but the concept is there.

What he meant was that if you always produce "safe" creative for your advertising campaings then you will probably not be heard or seen.  In today's marketplace you need to do something different so people will remember you.  I think this is why the Superbowl ads are so much fun.  You never know what is going to happen with the next commercial.

Bottom line is that you should feel a little nervous about what you are doing.

Friday, January 6, 2012


How important is branding your company?

Think about how many companies there are in just your city alone.  Then think about how many cities there are in the world.  That is a lot of businesses.  Drive down any major street in any decent size city and you will be inundated with advertising.  Think about all the brands you can remember.

Consistency is king in the advertising world.  Every point of customer contact needs to emulate your brand.  It does not matter how big or small your company is either.  Social media is just one piece of the puzzle that helps your company gain brand recognition and in the end...customers.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How can Distinct Groove help you?

Distinct Groove exists to help companies get noticed online.  There are several reasons to use us but here are the most important ones. 

Time:  Who has time to manage all the online points of contact?  If you start making a list of all the things you need to do and keep track of the list will start getting very long.  Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.  The list continues on and changes every day.

Expertise:  We have the expertise to help your company create the right combination of social media and web updates to boost your site to the top of the search engines.

Love:  We love to do this.  To us, it is fun and we enjoy working with the technologies, learning the new features and experiencing the new trends.

Check out our web site and give us a call.  We are probably your least expensive alternative to those other SEO companies.  Our rates start at $50 a month.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

SEO Links

Linking back and forth to other sites is very important.  Just linking to them is OK but if you can get a bunch of links back to your site you can move up in rankings.  Search Engines look at these links as though you must be important with all these people linking to you.  It is hard sometimes to find these links.  I tell my clients to look at vendors, clients, places you donate, review web sites and any other lists you can find.  Start working there and you may even think of a few more places to get links from.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Using the services of Distinct Groove

I plan on posting several tricks, hints and tips for helping your web site get noticed online.  That said why would you need our services?  How would your company benefit from our services?

Time is very important to all of us….and it takes a significant amount of time to manage your online presence. Unfortunately, many companies put off their online presence, but web and social media are areas where responsiveness is key.
We can manage and monitor all of your online points of contact so you can focus more on your business and personal life.